This week, I cleared the next proofing stage for the new Evil Inc graphic novels! I received sample copies of the Evil Inc: Under New Management books, and I got printed pages (unbound) for Evil Inc: Power Couple.
Middle Management is the perfect Evil Inc After Dark book—hot and thicc. Even though I set the page counts for each, I was dumbstruck to see that the new book is about twice as thick as the previous Evil Inc collection, Under New Management.
(Math is not my strong suit.)
Here’s a look at the unbound printed pages for Power Couple.
Across the top, you see actual printed covers—softcover, hardcover, and hardcover dust jacket. And underneath that are the printed pages, opened up to a couple of spreads that I had almost forgotten about.
When I drew those pages back in February 2020, I had an idea that I thought was fun. I challenged myself to design a sequence with three different subplots, and I wanted to present it in a way that those three plots could be read sequentially or thematically.
I’ll show you what I mean. Here are the two spreads that comprise the scene. The red arrows show how you would read the sequence as if they were normal comic book pages.
But these four pages can also be read as if the spreads themselves were single pages. Like this…
It’s something that no one would ever really notice or care about. Most people are going to read them as standard comic book pages. But I really like that I was able to do something different with these spreads!
Coming up in Evil Inc…
This week, in Evil Inc, the new chapter starts to gather steam! Dr. Whoosh shows up and immediately starts giving Lightning Lady grief…
And later on, we’re introduced to his personal assistant, Tempest…
Meanwhile, on Patreon…
If you’ve been considering joining us on Patreon, this is a great week to do it. At the beginning of every month, I send my NSFW-level backers the LEWDcrate reward.
With LEWDcrate, you have direct links to all of my ongoing projects, so you can read them outside of Patreon. You can also use your Patreon log-in to access the three exclusive subsites — Evil Inc After Dark, Courting Disaster, and Commissions — where I try to deliver the best possible reading experience for that content.
And, of course, I post new content nearly every day to keep you smiling throughout the week.
Parting shots
Here’s some cool stuff I’ve been sharing on Substack Notes.